Networking technology for quantum computers
- Discovering the future of information technology
Developing networking technology to connect small and medium-scale quantum computers into a larger quantum computer, thereby contributing to the realization of a "fault-tolerant universal computer". At the same time, we aim to build a quantum cyberspace that enables the implementation of arbitrary quantum algorithms such as distributed quantum computing through the quantum internet. It will be possible to combine an ultra-fast computing platform with enhanced cyber security.
Project Manager

Interdisciplinary research perspective
We envision superconducting, optical, atomic/ionic, and semiconductor physical systems as possible devices for quantum computers. As such, we have formed a team of researchers pioneering these networking technologies and developers of domestic photon detection technologies to help achieve our goal.
R&D themes
Atom-photon multiplexed quauntum network technology
Development of high-perfomance photon detectors
Quantum network technology for superconductor qubits
Cavity QED quantum network technology
Quantum network technology for semiconductor qubits
Development of multiplexed photon detectors